Friday, August 21, 2009


I feel like i haven't properly blogged in a million years but then again, nothing interesting to blog about lately- just plain school. I'm so busy lately. I have heaps of stuff to do yet i still procrastinate so much -.- sigh* i really need to get rid of my lazy behavior.

Things coming up:

24th > Commerce AFLA test
25th > English essay due + continuing with speeches
26th > Maths test
27th > PDHPE assignment due

3rd > History assignment due + test

Wk8/9 > Chinese yearlies
science assignment > not sure when due because i left my notification in my locker -.-

I sound so busy. My god i have no social life T______T AND i'm only in yr10.

Anyways, played some piano yday ^___^ I'm so so so so rusty atm though, since i haven't played in ages. This sucks! Still haven't finished learning Eternity memory of lightwaves -.- and how long has it been? I don't even have time to practice it....

To a certain someone: I feel like a bad friend. I can't do anything. So useless. I'm sorry.

Alan has an amazing voice (: She's Tibetan but is active in the Japanese music industry.

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