Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Three exams plus Jap speaking left. Halfway through :D Hooray for a 4 day weekend.

I don't know why but recently i feel like i can't breathe properly and i feel somewhat suffocated. I constantly need to take deep breathes and i'm not sure if it's my imagination but i only seem to notice it when i'm at home. I don't even have asthma or anything. I should probably go see a doctor maybe this weekend. I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with me *sigh*.
And i think i caught the flu off my brother ): *sneezes*

I'm so scared about the Maths Ext exam tmr. It's worth 40% D:
Wish me luck !


  1. Good luck!
    You know.. i remember a few months back i kept needing to take these random deep breaths, and similar to you i felt half suffocated..
    Hope it gets better (Y)

  2. I have that same breathing issue sometimes, I find I get it when I'm really tired and a good nights sleep or two reeeeally helps! Hope it helps for you =)

    Good luck in your exams =)
