Thursday, January 13, 2011


Summary of today

1) Woke up at nine this morning and saw a black blob crawling across the ceiling. I haven't been wearing my contacts so i couldn't really see it but i figured that it was a spider. I put on my glasses and yes, it was indeed a spider. You know how i'm terrified of spiders so it took me a good few minutes to decide what to do since no-one else was home. I wanted to spray it but then it would fall off the ceiling and most likely blend into my grey carpet. I ended up whacking it with a slipper even though i really didn't want to go anywhere near it, but i couldn't leave it crawling around.
2) Discovered that i have somehow, again, sprained my right wrist.
3) Finished watching Otome Youkai Zakuro. I haven't watched any anime in a while.
4) Received another postal collection notice in the mailbox. I currently have three but i think i'll wait til the other one comes so i can pick them up all together. They usually put small parcels in my mailbox, i don't see why they're making me go collect them personally.
5) Finished reading The Great Gatsby (finally). Was surprised by the ending, actually.
6) Currently slightly annoyed that the order i made yesterday still hasn't been shipped out. It contains Irene's birthday present so i need to have received it by next Friday. I'm apparently meant to receive it within five business days.

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