I'm thinking that I probably should've dropped Ext Maths ages ago. I mean, there's no point in me doing it if I have 11 units and I'm only doing average in that extra unit. At the same time, I feel like it's such a waste for me to drop it now because there are only 8 weeks left before the HSC. What should I do?
I read something on Soompi just then that really got me thinking. Someone said "People often mistake shyness for coldness and silence for indifference." I'm not sure if I'm perceiving things wrongly but I get this feeling that people often think that about me. I'm not the type to instantly become good friends with new people I meet and thus I'm more on the quiet side in the beginning, but if you know me well, I actually talk a lot. I remember that one of my friends now (I think we only became friends some time last year) said to me that before we became friends she thought that I was a very quiet person. Hm, I have no idea why I'm blogging about this but I just felt like talking about it. In the end I'm probably just trying to say that if you think I'm a quiet person, then you just don't know me well enough. And whilst I'm at it, if you think I don't sing at karaoke, you are so mistaken haha.
Moving on, I was hoping to play some piano today because I thought I'd be home alone, but apparently not. Have I ever mentioned that I don't like playing when my family members are home? I think it's because I feel like I'm disturbing everyone, especially if I keep making mistakes. I really wish I had a sound-proof room because that way I'd even be able to play in the middle of the night if I really wanted to.
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