Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Whats the point in caring about things when no-one else cares?
Whats the point in trying when no-one else tries?
The answer is, there is no point.

Back to school today, it was horrible. I slept at 1+ last night cause i was finishing english hw sigh* and yes once again i couldn't sleep when i went to bed. This morning my eyes wouldn't even open and i had to stick the mini plug in my eye whilst it's trying to close and is watering non-stop to get my contacts out. Almost missed my bus too, it came early -.- and luckily i didn't or i would've definitely been late with the amount of traffic. "Self study" in chinese since Ms.Li was away. We had Ms.Frishling (?) instead and she was quite nice ^___^ even let us do other subjects. I was finishing my english hw :L haha i sound like such a bad student. Well but Ms.Li is nice too, she sort of tells us off for listening to music in class but then doesn't bother the next time, sometimes she doesn't even care. Well since i'm already on the topic of being a bad student let's talk about how i'm failing school (imo). Some people (possibly Jess) would be glaring at me by now for saying that but yes in my own opinion i am failing school T_____T my marks are dropping. You see i have a simple equation:

Get good marks = smart = get good UAI = go to good uni = get good job = be rich and happy (:

Simple right? ;) haha mg i sound like a retard ==

Anyways yeah, yearly report for maths, commerce, art, pdhpe and chinese can still be saved.

>Science depends on what i get for the investigation assignment
>english i screwed both previous co hort tasks and even though i got really good for my assignment, co hort tasks are apparently worth quite a bit in the yearly (as i've heard) so if i fail the one we just did last term too, i'm screwed!... i want my mark back T_____T
>geo i FAILED the skills test and i might've stuffed the assignment.


Maths we went over stuff we basically learnt and stuff Mr.L forced on us all the way back in yr8 when i had absolutely no fkn idea wth he was talking about. And no i don't like free things in maths (you'll only get what i'm talking about if you're in my class) English was.. ok i guess, nothing more to say. Science was boring, just did a sheet.

Moving on from school talk, my wireless and printer was pissing me off so bad. Well my wireless is STILL pissing me off because it keeps randomly d/c. My printer wasn't working for some unknown reason even though it was working perfectly fine last night and after many tries and anger, i finally got it working so i could scan maths notes for Jess. I swear i blame win7 and HP for its not yet released win7 printer drivers. After that, helped Jess BPAY for SMASH and watched ep1 of Buzzer Bear with Yamapi in it (: It's good. Too bad i have to wait til its subbed though -.-

I also figured something out today.
1. I really like juice
2. I'm really impatient with many things



Jess told me she was playing chess on her comp so then i wanted to play chess. -.- and then i kept wasting my time trying to beat the stupid comp and it never happened == how sad am i. It's all Jess's fault T______T

This blog is long D:

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