Thursday, July 9, 2009


I missed my bus this morning so i got detention ): The bus that was meant to come after the 8:16 came late and i spent like 15+ mins waiting in the cold, but i didn't go to detention today because we had the club Karaoke thing and it was amusing. Mr. Rekic and Mr.L were there and they sang the pokemon theme song :L so funnnyyyy. It sounded nothing like it. Joyce and Shirley are good singers n___n + Katherine and Joanna. It's so sad that Mr.Rekic is leaving though ): Joyce was crying through the last song and then all these randoms started showing up :S Last period was fun yet boring? lol we played neuken ball (no idea how to spell it) and Elizabeth kept getting hit on the head :L I wasn't bothered to play properly but i guess it was still fun. Everyone was high.... except for Viv. She seemed so dead and depressed ):

Did you know that shopping at Woolworths is very very very difficult when you're holding a canvas? -.- I swear I want to burn it. I hate artttt! It was annoying to hold on the bus too. Haha i whinged a loooot today. I feel sorry for Kristy and Jess who had to listen to me whinge the whole time we were in woolworths.

Detention for me tmr sigh*

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