Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sometimes i feel that i'm a selfish person
intolerant of the littlest things
Eve - Vidoll
Sometimes you annoy me so much
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Work experience just keeps getting worse. Raymond always tells us to go shopping since there isn't anything to do but i feel bad because it's like i have no commitment. I just wish they'd at least give me something to type or photocopy. And he said that he can't lie in the report. Well it's not my fault that he isn't giving me anything to do ): Went to watch New Moon afterwards and it was rather boring. I wish i could do work experience at Norita instead. Joyee, Joanna and Donna looked like they were having so much fun and they possibly get summer jobs there.
Lunch @ Norita
Excuse the bad quality. My phone camera sucks in low lighting,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Work exp
Today i got a blister on my hand from trying to open my drink bottle. I know, that sounds so retarded but afterwards i looked at my hand and here was a bubble. It hurts so much. Work experience was rather boring and we got off at almost 5 because we went to do some settlement stuff in the CBD. I'd rather stay home for the week. Stupid compulsory work experience :@ Not really looking forward to work experience tmr sigh* I feel rather clothes less again lately ): The clothes at De Lourve are expensive, $90 for a top. If only i could go to China/HK, the clothes would be so much cheaper. It turns out that the shoes i wanted weren't the shoes that Jess wanted to buy for the dinner but either way they didn't have the ones i wanted or the ones she wanted anymore T-T I was planning on getting them!

Rong Bao Tang already has the NEWS Winter Diamond concert which i wasn't planning on buying because i thought it would be expensive like the Pacific concert but it was only $19 for the JP version! I find it so odd that the Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD JP version was also only $19 (though the packaging was rather cheap looking), the Pacific concert JP version was $114 when i wanted to buy it (It dropped to around $75 now) and now the Winter Diamond concert which also has cheap-looking packaging is $19. $114 and $19 is a huge difference! I think I'm really over male Jpop singers. I'm in a Jrock phase now ;D I just remembered that they probably have no more limited edition omfg! It never occurred to me to go and check how much the JP version was because i assumed that i'd be $100+ so i was waiting for the TW version to be released which is usually one month later. #$%$#t%ersdgdsfgSDFGISEDFIYGUEUHY! Limited edition has special music clips produced by each member T-T and the normal one is meant to have a 14-page jacket. The one they have in stall doesn't seem like it has anything though :S ..
I'M ANGRY *RAGES* I like my limited edition things :@

My new want
Saturday, November 21, 2009
ByeBye ABW
It has been such a long week and finally ABW has come to an end. Although our group didn't win (or even come close to winning) it was fun at times and a great experience. I just don't understand why our share price was so low when our occupancy was 90+ ): I fail as financial manager. But, our group got an award for the best written report (: I'm happy, even though i slept at 2am to put it all together. The marking was rigged for the ad because Vyston's ad (made by Yvonne) was 10 times better than all the rest but it didn't win and didn't even get runner up :@
This hot weather makes me want to stay home and be lazy but we have work exp next week. I can't be stuffed doing it.
I saw yr 9s with their laptops today ):
And i'm so blind atm. My contacts got sent to be polished so adding to the time before that, i haven't been wearing them for almost 2 weeks. It feels so weird to wear my glasses again, even the weakest ones i have.
New single:
Kana Nishino - Dear...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My new love
I love how piano can make me smile (:
Determined to learn Taeyang's Wedding Dress. I wonder if i can even play it ): I think i really need to work on my hand co-ordination although i'm glad that my sight reading has improved drastically since i stopped piano. I often wish i had continued piano because i might have became much better than i am now (i still suck). Then again, if i didn't stop, i wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn the songs i like. I use to hate all the songs i had to play for the AMEB examinations. Also bought a dress from Bardot yesterday (: I sometimes feel like i can't breathe properly in it though, because it's strapless and the top part is tight like a corset.
Also in love with the piano from Mirror Mirror by Thanh Bui which i only came across today when i was searching for piano covers of Wedding Dress.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The shoes i want:
Other than online, i haven't seen them anywhere. Buying online is such a hassle though, and i don't even know what sizes there are since it's in Korean.

Shopping for a dress this weekend. Hopefully i'll find one.
I want a simple one like this:
I can't even remember where i got this pic from because i saved it ages ago :S maybe it was from a Soompi thread.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
I'm somewhat counting down the days until it's officially summer holidays... but then again i'll probably start complaining that i'm bored and I feel rather lifeless these days.
I like the newer versions of Xperia.

Alan never fails to amaze me n____n
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Great. I screwed up a bunch of tests that were meant to be easy. I guess that makes me stupid right? argh i have no idea wth was wrong with me. In maths for some reason i was really nervous so then it took me a while to take in what the question was asking and i misread the second last question and stuffed other basic questions :'( * continues on with depressing rant* Fml. I don't want the results, someone burn them. I swear this is going to be on my mind until i get the stupid results. skgafdghdfgknregn. Everyone is all happy that SC is over and i'm just depressed over it. I might as well go jump off a bridge in yr12. And all there is to do now is wait, and wait, and wait. Plus for ABW i was all excited that we get to wear mufti for the whole wk and Jess told me that this yr we have to wear uniform. Freaking hell ==; stupid school. dfkjhgkafhgadfjhgruvnjdfgh! I'm so angry at myselfffffff ):
I need a holiday ): or something fun.
I really want to shop off Zipia but the min is USD$500! I don't have that much money to spend ): in Summer which is our Winter, it lowers down to $300 ==; still a lot but maybe i'll save up and splurge next Winter.. just maybe. Plus there's also shipping costs.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I wish i were smart ):
Today i feel dumb
End of story ):
bang bang*
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It sounds so sweet.
I'm so envious of those that can play by ear ):
Friday, November 6, 2009
Non-attempt to study
Current mood: so not bothered to study ==;
I pick up my notes and already start falling asleep and i keep thinking of other things like what i'm going to wear to our formal since i don't really want to wear my black dress anymore :S argh! Then i ended up watching HP 3. It's my favourite one :D ~ After reading a Soompi thread, it really got me thinking that i don't want to be one those people who end up looking.... not that great (not to sound mean T__T) without make-up on. With all i've seen on Soompi threads, it can be quite shocking. Hopefully i wont end up being one of those people who can't even leave their house w/o make-up on. On another note, i just read some news on GReeeeN.

GReeeeN vocalist Hide has angrily denied media reports that the J-pop group are splitting up. It was reported this week that the upcoming release of a greatest hits album would be the group's last and that the four members would focus on being full-time dentists. That sounds absurd except for the fact that all four were studying dentistry at university when they met. They completed their studies but also debuted with Universal Music in 2007, and their lives took a wildly different turn. With their catchy tunes and clever marketing the group have achieved world record level sales. They saw solid sales of their major-label debut album, and their second and third albums were million sellers. In July, their single "Kiseki" was recognized by Guinness World Records as the best-selling digital downloaded single of all time, and . But the members' faces are never seen. On his blog yesterday, Hide (29) explained that this is because they are now practicing dentists and they want to keep that and their pop success separate. Addressing the latest rumor, he said "The media have created smoke where there is no fire, with the aim of taking your money. It stinks. Everyone, don't worry, we are not breaking up." Source: jpnzone
I hope it isn't true ):
...Studying? pssh i totally am :S
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wow i haven't blogged for a few days. Nothing much has happened though. SC is creeping up next wk and i don't think i'm prepared ): I got really high for my Eng assignment so i'm really happy about that :D I've been so blind for the past few days since i haven't been wearing my contacts. I'm kind of scared to start wearing them again since they were still hurting before ==; but i really should wear them tmr so i'm not blind for the SC. Lets hope a few days of rest helped them heal.
Something i came across today that really made me go wtf O______O
G-Dragon’s Album No Longer Suitable For Minors
On the morning of November 3rd (KST), G-Dragon's solo album Heartbreaker was declared unsuitable for children or anyone under the legal age (which is 19 in Korea).
After analyzing the lyrics of G-Dragon's songs "She's Gone" and "Korean Dream" off his album, officials deemed the lyrics too inappropriate for children. According to officials, "She's Gone" has an underlying suggestive meaning of drug use, while "Korean Dream" promotes an inappropriate "dream" of Korea. The title track of the album, "Heartbreaker," was said to be an automatic no-no for the young adult community. It's funny that they don't mention the most obvious one--"Breathe." G-Dragon clearly says, "You and me hardcore, baby. Let's do it some more. I can't breathe..." which I think is more suggestive than the other three songs.
These songs will not be available on television before 10pm, and his album cannot be purchased by anyone under the age of 19. The album, after selling nearly 200,000 copies by the end of September, will soon have the "19 only" sticker on it. Distributors who fail to comply will be issued a severe punishment or a heavy fine.
I feel so sorry for the Big Bang fans in South Korea who haven't bought his album and now can no longer buy it because they're under 19 ):
Big Bang - Hallelujah (IRIS OST)
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