It has been such a long week and finally ABW has come to an end. Although our group didn't win (or even come close to winning) it was fun at times and a great experience. I just don't understand why our share price was so low when our occupancy was 90+ ): I fail as financial manager. But, our group got an award for the best written report (: I'm happy, even though i slept at 2am to put it all together. The marking was rigged for the ad because Vyston's ad (made by Yvonne) was 10 times better than all the rest but it didn't win and didn't even get runner up :@
This hot weather makes me want to stay home and be lazy but we have work exp next week. I can't be stuffed doing it.
I saw yr 9s with their laptops today ):
And i'm so blind atm. My contacts got sent to be polished so adding to the time before that, i haven't been wearing them for almost 2 weeks. It feels so weird to wear my glasses again, even the weakest ones i have.
New single:
Kana Nishino - Dear...
congrats for getting the company report award ^___^
yupyup rigged!!
our add was 10x worst and we got 3rd place
thats very wtf -.-
well u dnt have to do it :L
u can always skip it ^^
=( i want a stupid yr 9 laptop!!
lol, im blind too =(
didnt wear contacts for a wk and a half
and then wore it for a day -.-
and then havent worn it since then ><