Today i got a blister on my hand from trying to open my drink bottle. I know, that sounds so retarded but afterwards i looked at my hand and here was a bubble. It hurts so much. Work experience was rather boring and we got off at almost 5 because we went to do some settlement stuff in the CBD. I'd rather stay home for the week. Stupid compulsory work experience :@ Not really looking forward to work experience tmr sigh* I feel rather clothes less again lately ): The clothes at De Lourve are expensive, $90 for a top. If only i could go to China/HK, the clothes would be so much cheaper. It turns out that the shoes i wanted weren't the shoes that Jess wanted to buy for the dinner but either way they didn't have the ones i wanted or the ones she wanted anymore T-T I was planning on getting them!

Rong Bao Tang already has the NEWS Winter Diamond concert which i wasn't planning on buying because i thought it would be expensive like the Pacific concert but it was only $19 for the JP version! I find it so odd that the Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD JP version was also only $19 (though the packaging was rather cheap looking), the Pacific concert JP version was $114 when i wanted to buy it (It dropped to around $75 now) and now the Winter Diamond concert which also has cheap-looking packaging is $19. $114 and $19 is a huge difference! I think I'm really over male Jpop singers. I'm in a Jrock phase now ;D I just remembered that they probably have no more limited edition omfg! It never occurred to me to go and check how much the JP version was because i assumed that i'd be $100+ so i was waiting for the TW version to be released which is usually one month later. #$%$#t%ersdgdsfgSDFGISEDFIYGUEUHY! Limited edition has special music clips produced by each member T-T and the normal one is meant to have a 14-page jacket. The one they have in stall doesn't seem like it has anything though :S ..
I'M ANGRY *RAGES* I like my limited edition things :@

My new want
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