T-T I'm so sad. Can't believe that Rafa withdrew and got beaten by Andy Murray ): I don't like him. I was looking forward to watching Fed vs. Rafa in the finals. *Continues to be depressed* and i can't believe that Cilic made it so far when he was this close to being beaten by Tomic. DEPRESSION T-T RAFAAAAA ):
Laughter is the closest distance between two people. Victor Borge

Mum forgot to ask them to write Happy Birthday on the cake when she ordered it ):
I don't understand why everyone is so hyped and celebratory about Australia Day. It just feels like any other day to me, of course that's only the Australia Day part. It's also my dad's birthday (: But then again i was never the celebration type of person, or maybe i'm not Australian enough. That makes me laugh xD Only two more days of freedom left (including today) and we go back to the hell hole. I kind of feel that i've wasted my holidays ): My senior skirt still feels stiff like cardboard, urgh.
My thoughts on Liar Game 2:
Well honestly i never really liked Liar Game in the first place. When i'm watching it, i don't get the feeling that i mustn't miss anything. It would be the type of drama i watch whilst doing something else. Although i must say that some of the actors/actresses potray their characters quite well. I especially like Kikuchi Rinko's character (: Although it never caught my intererst much, i'll probably still continue watching it since there are only 9 episodes.
Well honestly i never really liked Liar Game in the first place. When i'm watching it, i don't get the feeling that i mustn't miss anything. It would be the type of drama i watch whilst doing something else. Although i must say that some of the actors/actresses potray their characters quite well. I especially like Kikuchi Rinko's character (: Although it never caught my intererst much, i'll probably still continue watching it since there are only 9 episodes.
ooow i like the berries on the top of the cake
looks yummy ^^
9 eps + a movie + episode zero hahaha