My awesome hand-made card. There's a pop-up topless Christian Bale inside. Viv's request ;D
I think i broke my record today. I only got like 3 hours sleep and i feel completely and utterly worn out right now. I hate that i have a tendency to wake up around half an hour earlier than when my alarm is meant to go off. I got off my computer at 1:30am last night and couldn't sleep til around 3:30am. I set my alarm to ring at 7:00am even though we were meeting at 10:00am because well.. i thought it would take me a while to decide what to bring/wear and i'm a slowpoke when it comes to getting ready. I woke up at 6:38 so 3 hours of sleep ): Btw i'm so angry because i thought that my comment section not working properly was due to something in my html but Jess told me that before i changed my template she still had to sign in to comment, even though my settings are set to anyone can comment. Screw blogger -.- Seriously! I missed tennis today. I would've so totally hogged someones phone if they had an Optus 3G mobile but no-one had one! It's so sad that Baghdatis withdrew due to injuries. I wonder if he would've beaten Hewitt otherwise.
So we (Christine, Viv, Kristy, Yvonne, Jess, Irene and myself) ended up at Manly beach. I literally hid under the 3 beach umbrellas we hired for most of the day. 8) I didn't get sunburnt in such hot weather! Hehe. My feet were literally burning on the sand when we first got there though. The weather changed from super hot to really windy to rain, all in one day -.- Irene wanted me to actually swim in the water with her but i refused. I'm sorry Irene ): I'm so sad because i was originally planning on taking heaps of photos but the hot weather/my dizzyness from lack of sleep just ruined my mood.
During a discussion about the British series Skins
Irene "It's just R"
And she told me she ate a dumpling for breakfast
She makes me laugh (:
O___O wat happened to ur photos? :s
at least you got rid of the virus, lol