I'm sickkk ): I haven't been sick in a while but i couldn't even make it through 2nd period. And then i was getting quite annoyed because all the stupid staff in the office were talking in a room and just left me standing there waiting. I think i've sneezed over 50 times today. I was slowly dragging myself down Albert Rd when the 407 drove by and i'm like T-T noooooooo! Then i watched it zoom down the rd and out of sight. I had to wait so long for the bus home too. I got home, ate something, took some medicine and dropped dead for around 4 hrs. Now i feel better, although i don't really want to go to school tmr but we have to buy lockers and they don't let other people pay for you. Also i don't want to miss out on heaps of work because i just love school so much -.- (sarcasm intended)
I really hate when my mum says something and then changes her mind afterwards because now everyone is making me feel that i've made the wrong decision in dropping Bio. Apparently her friend(s) said languages are "useless". I don't know anymore, but i want to study something that i actually like. It's fine as long as i do good right..?
Found some articles on upcoming HTC phoneeees. The best looking one is probably the HTC Legend.

Links: htcsource.com, HTC HD Mini, HTC Desire
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