I'm so tireeeed today *yawns* Well actually i'm always tired. (Doesn't understand how Jess can survive with only 3hrs sleep... or was it 4? Can't remember) Our school is getting invaded by so many Asian fobs ): My 3u maths class is full of them ==; And i classify them all as "threats" since their maths is most likely good. Stereotypical but it's true! In most cases. And i never realised that juniors were such pricks ): They annoy me so much. I swear back in primary, the younger grades were never like that. We were doing this exercise in Eng today about choosing 3 significant places or continents we would want to go and Irene was like "I want to go to Antarctica." But then she said "What will i eat?" to which i replied "Penguins" (Sarcasm of course) So Irene lives in an igloo in Antarctica and eats penguins (Y)
Ext maths test in wk7, Legal essay due in wk8 and Eco assignment due in wk9. That's greaaaaat. Then i'll probably get some Eng assignment and apparently a Bio field study report. *Sigh*
My aim of sleeping earlier never happens does it?
So many people on Soompi have/like these Christian Louboutins. They look so impractical. Would you ever walk out onto the street with those shoes on? *Stares at massive bow* :S

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