Tuesday, July 20, 2010

): Stomach ache

I'm surprised i didn't drop dead today because last night i was rushing tutor hw (again) and slept at 1:30am. Even after that i couldn't even sleep. It was 2am and i was browsing the net on my phone haha. I probably only slept for around 3-4 hrs *sigh*. I thought we'd get back our Maths Ext exam marks but they still haven't finished marking them ): You'd think that i'd be happy since it's a Tuesday and we finish school at 1pm, but sadly i have tutor on Tuesdays ): Well, i guess it's better than going home late on a normal school day. Grr my tutor gave me so much hw today it's not funny.

My stomach is killing me ): I think it's because i only ate half my lunch and didn't eat the rest until i got home....

Hmm i'm so delayed in Chinese music that it's pretty sad. I don't listen to it much for some odd reason, and even if i do, it's Mando. Canto music is imo not that great. I like this Danson song :D

1 comment:

  1. -.- i swear i was so chinese music deprived that now i have a whole bunch of canto song >< lol

    In that album Jess' favourite song is 灰色河堤 hehe :3
