Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another uneventful week

I haven't really been in the mood to blog for the past few days. Hm, what did I get up to? Nothing much really. I ended up skipping school after all on Wednesday because I woke up feeling extremely drained. Sometimes I think I get spoiled too much because I'm really allowed to skip school when I want to. On Thursday i had to trek over to Hurstville for the Economics lecture. It turned out better than the Legal Studies one but it kind of went downhill near the end and i just wanted to go home after sitting in the hall for so long. I had my last exam for the term on Friday (2U Maths) and it was fairly basic but there was one question that was so stupid (many people would agree with me), and that stupid question was worth quite a lot of marks so I'm pretty devastated. I don't see why anyone would put so many marks on a question like that. The fact that the exam isn't out of many marks means that one mark costs a lot ); I also heard that only one person got 24/25 for the Legal Studies exam, another got 23 and a couple got 21. I'm really worried about my mark because the teacher apparently marked pretty hard *sigh*. I guess I'll find out whether or not I'm doomed on Monday when I get my results. Oh, and i received a notice that my HSC Japanese speaking exam will be held at Birrong Girls High. I wish it was some place closer.

I've been so unproductive today. I woke up rather late because I slept at 2:30 am last night and spent the rest of the day watching Lie to Me. I feel so guilty, especially since I'm going out tomorrow and won't get much work done. Ahh, I should stop blogging about school. I bet I'm boring you guys to death.

Currently loving this song from the Lie to Me OST: This is Really Goodbye - M to M

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