Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I feel so guilty because holidays are only two weeks long and I already have a whole list of things to do (that require me to leave the house and thus, not study).

1. Watch Harry Potter
2. Go to SMASH (on the 16th)
3. Watch Transformers. I probably won't even have time for this *sad*
4. Have a picnic in the park, though a friend of mine reminded me that because it's Winter, the grass will probably be wet. She said "You want to have a picnic in Winter?!" *even more sad*
5. Possibly a dinner for a friend's birthday
6. Maths tutor on Tuesdays
7. Go to the optometrist! If you've been following my posts then you'd know that I posted that I would do this last holidays. Guess what? I never ended up going....
8. Go get my abdominal ultrasound (every time I type or say the word "ultrasound", I think of pregnant women haha). I had to reschedule after the machine apparently broke down last time.

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and of course there's the whole list of school stuff I have to do

9. English speech for Julius Caesar (Bleh, not a fan of Shakespeare) + revise previous modules
10. Finish Family Law notes for Legal Studies if I haven't already + revise 11 chapters
11. Practice listening, writing and speaking skills for Japanese
12. Revise 15, maybe 16 chapters for Economics
13. Revise (unknown number) of topics for Maths and Ext
14. Do past HSC papers );

and some other things like

15. Learn a piano piece
16. Learn how to put on a yukata and decide how I'm going to do my hair

So much to do. So little time!

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