So today was SMASH and I was expecting to have a great time there but to be honest, I was pretty disappointed. Even though the venue was a lot bigger this year and there were probably a lot more people, I actually liked it better when it was more crowded and lively. Personally I thought that this year's cosplay weren't that great compared to last year's and I couldn't even find that many people to take photos of. I was already bored after a little while and I honestly wasn't really in a happy mood because of various reasons. For once we actually left before it ended and went to eat at Norita instead. I think I probably had more fun playing Scrabble than going to SMASH.
Anyway, Happy 26th Birthday to my dear brother. Although we aren't the closest of siblings (I sometimes wonder whether it's because we're 9 years apart) and argue from time to time, I'm still grateful to have a brother like him who cares about me and what I do with my life. He hasn't been very happy lately and it's been worrying me quite a bit, but I was glad to see him smile today.
Half my photos are blurry *facepalm*.

Hooray for looking the same in 4 photos. I'm so good at cloning myself aren't I? *sarcasm*. I really can't smile properly );
My first time building a gundam (It was free).
Eating ice cream at Norita
(Left) Hehe I bought a Welhelmina (From Shakugan no Shana) figurine because it was quite cheap. (Right) Finished gundam.