Practically nothing to talk about today. I really need to practice english Qs for school cert because i'm super slow at them and i suck at them too -.- Didn't end up finishing my commerce task today T______T Oh and i walked to school again because the stupid bus was late :@ I was actually a few mins late but didn't get told off :D I have work experience now yay! Thanks to Jess and her mum. Now i won't be lonered and it's still a law firm (: Connections are awesome ;) We had to practice our P.E routine at lunch today in Mr.L's room. It was quite amusing. I was "angry" at Irene :L (not literally) and she was full like "Stella are you still angry at me?" xD bullying Irene is so fun (no not bullying like you think, in a joking manner). I feel like such a loner in commerce since we're doing the individual task on comps and i only have Sammy in my class and Kiwi (but we hardly talk anymore..)
Like my masterpiece? Irene apparently has long hair now (Y) and Gary just loves sitting on her head so muchhhhhhh. Kristy had an obese cherry tomato :D

Time seems to be ticking away and i need to effing study :@
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