Today was quite a horrible day. I don't know why but i was really really really REALLY tired and my eyes just wouldn't open. They were hurting too. Stupid cons :@ they wouldn't come off properly in the morning and it kept killing my eye when i was trying to suck them out with the suction cup. So yeah, i probably looked dead today. Also had a really bad headache for literally the whole day. Today was just not my day. And the thing is, i wanted to go home and sleep after school but the only bus is the 3:50 (around) one and the one before that is at 3:13 so i can't make that one. T______T had to wait so long before finally getting home and then i just passed out on my bed for 1.5-2 hrs sigh* It was so atsui today! Pimples are like invading my forehead lately :@ yuck. My hair treatment is working though.. i think.
Wear your dream house on your finger
Credits: KTHubbyBunch @ Soompi

How artistic
Haha the HP theme park in America will be completed in 2010. I remember back when me and Ling were both like "We're going there together one day" ^__^ It sounds fun.
Virtual tour ~
they should've made the vid more interesting
kinda boring but i'll post it anyway
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