Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

My muffins were such failure T_____T well technically, it wasn't MY fault. It just tasted not that great so it's the recipe's fault. Sigh* i should have chosen a different recipe. Well at least now i know never to make that one again. Now there's so many left and no-ones gonna eat it. My brother was like "Why's it different to last times" "Don't ever make these again unless you're eating them" -.- and then i'm like "I didn't make them for you anyway". Oddly my mum likes it though, cause it isn't chocolate-y.

No replies from law firms yet, well it figures since its the weekend. I really really really should practice for the English co-hort task and do my science essay. I'm so scared for English since we don't exactly know what type of text we'll be asked to respond in ): This sucks. There's a freakin mossie in my room.... SOMEWHERE! I tried to whack it this morning but missed and now i have no idea where it is. sigh* I feel so motivated to change my hairstyles when i watch cerinebaby's hair tutorials ^___^ she's awesome.

Also since i still haven't mention this, i honestly don't understand why everyone likes Mei-Chan no Shitsuji! It is like the WORST drama ever, plus it's so different from the manga. If i were the mangaka, i'd feel so disappointed. It's HORRIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The acting sucks! and i hate the actors. They don't suit the characters at all.

I took a photo of my muffins but they look ugly in colour so i think i'll leave them to myself. sigh*

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