I'm so sleep deprived lately that it's depressing AND my contacts keep killing me eyes so they keep hurting during school. I didn't have time to blog yday but i stayed home because of the dust storm :D I wanted to take a photo but it wasn't that orange/red anymore ): Also, i think i starved myself today since i had no time to eat lunch. So i didn't eat anything besides a small breakfast until 4. All my classes were such a bludge. Practically did nothing in Chinese, Art and PDHPE since we had a sub and my book was in the locked cupboard :@ - must copy someone's book. And i'm so surprised that my clay didn't blow up in the kiln :L i hateeeee clay.
I printed like 100 pages at the library today ==;
TY to Sammy for sharing awesome Science notes and TY to Jess for sharing Geo notes. I'm sorry if my History or Commerce notes suck. I think my History are ok but Commerce..... so many typos because i wasn't bothered proof-reading. I feel so bad since i got such good notes from Sammy and my Commerce notes are so shit ):
Delayed photos- End of the world haha
Luna Park looks so scary. I like the ferris wheel photo though (Y)

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